- No Room Party this year
- Pre-Order NOW what you want to already use at the convention
- Or email us, if you are unsure and want to just look at some toy in person.
- Dealers Den is Friday + Saturday
- HOWEVER: We’ll only be present half of Saturday
- Have fun!
No Room Party
Because the After Dark Dealers Den was to be bigger and our YiffyToys Room Parties had grown so much, that we basically spent the entire convention just unloading and loading the truck or carrying huge carts of stuff between Room Party and After Dark Dealers Den. So we decided last year to skip the room party this year.
We did expect the After Dark Dealers Den to be open Thursday to Saturday like the regular Dealers Den. The schedule changes below surprised us serveral month later when a suite for a room party was no longer possible.
After Dark Dealers Den (FR+SA)
Just like last year, you can find us in the new After Dark Dealers Den. This time we will have twice the tables and 3 times the shelf-space. That is still smaller then the selection we had at the YiffyToys Room Parties in previous years.
Important: Our table in the AD Dealers Den opens only
Friday 15:00-20:00 and
Saturday 15:00-17:00 (not 20:00).
(We have to close down early, so we can not stay open until 20:00 on Saturday.)

Like every year, we will bring selected toys from all manufacturers.
We can not bring everything, so please go to our online shop now and please order now! Choose the shipping method „pickup at convention“.
This has 4 advantages:
1. Pick up at the start of the con. We are confident to be able to offer some form of pick up eon wednesday and thursday. Maybe even on Tuesday. So you can pick up your new toys and already put them to use during the convention.
2. It will be there. You may want a toy that we didn’t even pack. We have to make a selection on what to bring to the convention.
3. You won’t miss your change. Even if we packed it, someone else of the 2000+ convention visitors may have purchased it before you.
4. The long waiting queue. Because the AD Dealers Den is open only on the last 1.5 convention days, it will be crowded. We will not be able to dedicate much time to each customer. There will be a long queue and we fully expect security at the door to tell people to disperse and come back later instead of queuing outside the dealers den.
You can have a look at our Dealers den price list with the selection of toys we bring.
So you already know what you want to look at, when you reach the front of the queue.
It’s lists the toys we actually have at EF sorted by size, species and manufacturer.
New toys and Previews
We can preview 4 new toys by Sidewinder Creations (all but one in 3 different sizes) AND on Saturday you can actually buy the sample toys!
We are also expecting tiny replicas of
We have upcoming new toys from Bad Wolf. but can’t guarantee that they will arrive in time.
We also have free samples of Wolf Cum Lube.
Exotic Erotics Special
Like every year, we will bring selected toys from all manufacturers.
But for Exotic Erotics we will not actually bring the limited selection we have all year long. Due to a huge effort in international freight, we’ll bring 8 boxes stuffed with 134 completely individual toys. You tell us the species and instead of being limited to 1 or 2 variations as dictated by the necessity of keeping a stock, we pull out an entire crate or two of color and size options to look at and choose from.
Since it will be crowded and a lot of people will be waiting in line, we just advise you to please look at the species in the online shop first to make up your mind about the species ahead of time.
Like every year we will have not one but TWO boxes of toys with reduced prices due to slight color mishaps, tiny air bubbles or other minor defects.
The difference is that this year we’ll have collected Flops from three four different manufacturers.