Bad ram – server shutdown

An investigation into random errors shows that at least one of the 4 ram modules in our server seems to start showing issues.
The YiffyToys shop will be shut down to replace the memory some time within the next 24 hours.

Upate: memory replaced. All tests are fine and all problems are gone as far as we can see.

Update2: It seems we forgot to restart elesticsearch last night. We did this morningand tested that categories and search results displayed fine again.

Testing BlueSky

We are testing an account in the #BlueSky bubble ,
in addition to our Mastodon account in the wider Fediverse.

It has a tighter character limit then Mastodon, so we aren’t sure yet.
As opposed to Mastodon and X, we don’t have much control over the content of the automatically posted entries either.
(title, excerpt. hash tags, use of a URL shortener, exclude posts from being posted to BlueSky)

10 years on X

We have this blog since basically the Neolithic.
Started as Blogspot exporting the pagers via ftp to out own server,
later self-hosted with WordPress after the shutdown.
Long before microblogging on centralized platforms run by a 3rd party became a thing.

We have been on Google+ with it’s fine grained „Circles“ until it was shut down.

Even though we have a Mastodon account in the Fediverse since 2022,

we still maintain our presence on X (the one that started as Twitter).
As of today it has been exactly 10 years since we created our account there.

The past

The platform started out as genuinely „good enough“ back then and was popular.
With it’s all-or-nothing privacy model, users found out that they had to have multiple accounts.
But as everyone was there, everyone had to.
This was a time long before Telegram after all.
Contrary to the private X account, the YiffyToys account hasn’t been arbitrarily deleted without a given reason or any method of ever contacting a human once.

The future

With the mass exodus after the Twitter takeover and renaming and mass firings,
we started our Mastodon account mentioned above.
That’s where all the small stuff that doesn’t need a Blog posting gets posted.
With the new platforms all federating (at least until they are big enough for the bait-and-switch), that seems to be fine.

Long format stuff is still posted here and automatically mentioned in Fediverse and X.

We will maintain our account on X.
Even if it’s just to keep anyone else from grabbing our name and to be able to contact new manufacturers via private messages.
With so many people gone, there isn’t much interaction going on anymore.
It has deteriorated to people posting links to websites and others forwarding these with no comment or reply for a long time.
Let’s hope the same doesn’t happen on the Fediverse.

Sidewinder restocked before Mephit Mini Con

We got a delivery of Sidewinder Creations toys (English / German).
All of the 56 toys, except a few of the plugs, are back in stock.
We are about to change the very small and small version of Plugs,
to make them only build-to-order

(Yes, postings in the category „Disturbing Dildo Deliveries“ are basically copy&pasted.
There is just nothing original to write about such a thing but many people are waiting
for toys of a specific manufacturer to come in, so it’s important we post these.)

DHL removes most crisis surcharges

Starting this month DHL has removed most of the crisis surcharges (1-3€/Kg).
Only Australia, Brazil, New Zealand, South Africa remain but are lowered.

We have already uploaded the new prices to the shop.

Updated prices

We have updated the prices for toy by FlurbMe and by Bad Wolf to match their current prices.
Sorry, for the price increases. This has to be done.

YiffyToys is now an adult shop. Let’s celebrate 18 years!

The year is 2006.

Computer monitors weight as much as a small refrigerator.
People have to decide between Windows98 and Windows 2000 as Vista has not plagued us yet.
On the 30th of January 2006 we inquired with the brand new toy-maker „FurryStyle“ in the US about opening a shop and reselling their toys on the European continent.
Making some inquiries with conventional toy distributors, the customs office, popular portal pages.
A week later the first drafts of our iconic foxes are in the mail.
Another week later, on the 15th of February 2006 the YiffyToys website opened.
Originally named „furryshop“ but quickly renamed to „YiffyToys“ after barely a month.

Two month later?

In April the „Behind The Scenes“ blog you are reading right now is created.
Back then created with a new Google service called Blogspot but uploaded to our own server for hosting.
The shop got support for multiple languages (even experimenting with French), currencies and this fancy new IPv6 thing.

Half a year later?

In August YiffyToys was at Eurofurence 12 in the Nuremberg Castle with a huge crowd of 405 attendees. Our very first Dealers Den. Very clumsy and all our toys still fit on top of a single table. Many of those would follow. Back then there was no distinction between After Dark and regular dealers den on any convention.

Two years later?

In 2008 we added other manufacturers. Back then, we even sold Bad Dragon toys for a while.
We had to get our trademarks entered in Germany and the US and defended it at the WIPO in Switzerland against some typosquatter trying to open a shop in the US using our very name. During the Christmas holidays no less.

Another 3 years?

In 2011 FurryStyle – the manufacturer we started out with – went out of business and we won the auction for all molds, the name and some advertising material. Obviously no customer data. Not wanting to give up on these toys, we started to continue making them on our own. Staying completely fair to all manufacturers up to this day.

After 18 years?

Here we are.
16 different manufacturers, with more to come
Well over 300 different toys in stock.
Constantly adding more variety and improving the ways to find exactly what you are looking for.
Handling orders from all over the world.
…except maybe Vatican city.

Now, your favourite, yiffy toy -shop has finally come of age.


We celebrate this with discounts on many Furrystyle toys
We also lowered or discounted some Exotic Erotics prices of toys included in the last delivery, thanks to the favorable exchange rate back at that point.
Some FlurbMe prices are already lowered for that very reason.
Why not more?
Being fair to our customers means not selling at higher prices, so we can offer huge discounts at specific times.
Being fair to our manufacturers means not selling cheaper then they do.

Celebrating with an old favorite

We also tried to welcome back an old FurryStyle favorite in time.
Sadly this will take a bit longer.
We will not sacrifice quality to meet a deadline here.
It’s done when it’s done.
Stay tuned!

Updated prices for Horny Ram toys

Horny Ram changed their prices for a few, large toys.
We have taken the opportunity to update all prices for their toys.
Most toys are slightly cheaper now due to better exchange rates.

Very few toys got usually 2-3€ more expensive.
These toys we are offering as a discount at the old price until the end of February.


UK customers should order now. Border delays starting next week.

Starting next week the first new border checks for exports from the EU (where we are) to the UK will start.
At first only affecting a small number of products.

A much larger number of checks will start in April and ramp up until November.
This will slow down border traffic.

As a consequence, we urge UK customers to place planned orders of toys at YiffyToys within the next few days. So they can cross the UK border before all of this starts.
Remember: Everything you can buy in our shop is actually in stock and can be shipped right away.