The first of 2 large deliveries from Exotic Erotics has arrived. It was held up in Frankfurt Airport for 2 weeks.
The next one has just started it’s journey and it expected here in 3 weeks. Given the same delay.
Stock status
9 Exotic Erotics models that are currently still not in stock.
(Yes, postings in the category „Disturbing Dildo Deliveries“ are basically copy&pasted. There is just nothing original to write about such a thing but many people are waiting for toys of a specific manufacturer to come in, so it’s important we post these.)
A new delivery of Dildos by Exotic Erotics (English / German) is on it’s way.
We expect it to arrive in about 1 month (including customs). Then we just have to count, label and sort it for the new stock to be available in our shop (English Shop / German Shop). When that happend, we’ll report here again, so you can place your orders on items that are curretly still out of stock. If you want to track this delivery, you can do so here, if you are eagerly awaiting some toy to be in stock again. In the mean time the last delivery (here and here) finally left Frankfurt Airport after waiting there for 14 days and is finally moving again.
Custom Dildos: For just a few days after this delivery arrived and before we place our next order right away, it will be possible to order custom variation again. Just contact us via email, stating all the details like colour and firmnes. Then we’ll provide you with a custom product that can be ordered exactly 1 time via the regular ordering process. The only difference is that it obviously takes longer to ship and we require it to be fully payed right away. Also for custom made products there is no 14 day return period.
(Yes, postings in the category „Disturbing Dildo Deliveries“ are basically copy&pasted. There is just nothing original to write about such a thing but many people are waiting for toys of a specific manufacturer to come in, so it’s important we post these.)
The announced delivery of Dildos by Zetacreations (English / German) arrived.
The new stock is already available in our shop. Roy’s Toy is back in stock Timber Wolf is back in stock Knotty Trainer is back in stock
However Knotty Teacher is not Oscar the Horse (black) is not Naymon the dragon is not Gryphin is not Given the extreme transatlantic shipping times during the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic, these (and others) have already been ordered 2 weeks ago. When this delivery started it’s journey.
Note that with Zeta we do NOT offer the option to order custom toys because of the rather long waiting times until an order becomes a delivery.
(Yes, postings in the category „Disturbing Dildo Deliveries“ are basically copy&pasted. There is just nothing original to write about such a thing but many people are waiting for toys of a specific manufacturer to come in, so it’s important we post these.)
Next week we’ll be at H-Con. It’s small enough to not be canceled but obviously there are lots of constraints compare to regular years.
Dealers Den and Flops
There will be a tiny dealers den. Given that Eurofurence and Mephit Mini Con did not happen this year, we plan to bring a great number of flops at reduced prices. Given that each tiny defect is unique and photographing + describing them would be a lot of work, we sell these only at conventions and not online.
Regular shipping will happen shortly before the convention and be paused until afterwards. It is still possible or place orders with „pickup at furmeet/convention“ as a (free) shipping method until about a day before departure.
With the recent delivery by Flurb Me just arriving, we also received 3 new toys. The Vixenmaker, Maremaker and Ponymaker are now available bith in the regular size „fantastically fuckable“ and in in the larger „in heat“ sizes. We have also reduced their prices to be in line with the manufacturer’s prices.
Due to the SARS-SoV2 most international flights are cancelled. Up to now this ment long waiting times for a plane to carry parcels along and a small surcharge to all parcels headed for the US.
Starting 15th of September that surcharge will be lifted (and we will reduce our prices accordingly) but a lot of parcels will travel by sea. So the waiting time for a flight will be replaced by the travel time of a cargo ship slow steaming across the Atlantic. DHL says this means 25-30 days of travel time for parcels.
Premium parcels are still flown (and still have the surcharge in addition to the already high price tag) but due to the weight of our products, we do not offer that service.
Custom toys: For just a few days after this delivery arrived and before we place our next order right away, it will be possible to order custom variation again. Just contact us via email, stating all the details like colour and firmnes. Then we’ll provide you with a custom product that can be ordered exactly 1 time via the regular ordering process. The only difference is that it obviously takes longer to ship and we require it to be fully payed right away. Also for custom made products there is no 14 day return period.
(Yes, postings in the category „Disturbing Dildo Deliveries“ are basically copy&pasted. There is just nothing original to write about such a thing but many people are waiting for toys of a specific manufacturer to come in, so it’s important we post these.)