New DHL prices

We have updated our shipping rates to the new DHL prices for 2019.

Obviously they are higher (when has DHL ever lowered prices?).

Sorry. Nothing we can do about that.

Discontinuing some Twin Tails toys

Earlier this year, we announced Twin Tails as a new manufacturer in our lineup.

Sadly they informed us that two of the most thought-after toys are now discontinued because they can not be produced in the quantities people desire.

The Snowbird and the Wooly Mammoth will no longer be produced.

They may reapear at a later time with completely new molds but then again they may not.

Reduced prices for Zetacreations toys

Due to longer lead-times, some dildos by Zetacreations (English / German)

sold out faster then they could be restocked in the past. Some where practically sold out the day they arrived and would stay that way for serveral month. After a while this made it necessary to increase their prices by a few percent compared to other imported toys.

The world has moved and and the situation has improved. So it is only fair to revert this change. The following toys have just been reduced in price:


3 new Sidewinder toys

We have 3 new fantasy toys from Sidewinder Creations (English / German) in stock.

The Actinia 

The Zaram 

The Ace

Actually we have them here for a few weeks already but kind of forgot about them when other issues came up. So we better put them online, even though they have no description yet and size-comparison photos are still missing.


LOTS of new deliveries!


we got a delivery by Bad Wolf (English / German) including lots of Wolf Cum – lube.

we got a delivery of Dildos by Zetacreations (English / German).

and we also got a delivery by Sidewinder Creations (English / German).


We also got a delivery of Dildos by Exotic Erotics (English / German) including a number of custom dildos that have already been shipped to their respective customers.

We already have a number of people lined up for the next round opf custom Exotic Erotics dildos and will contact them shortly.

And last but not least we got a delivery by FurryStyle (English / German)

as well as a large restocking of general lubricants.