So, for our Room Parties and the experimental After Dark Dealers Den at Eurofurence this year we already announced:
The Yacuruna by Exotic Erotics
Foxy Rabbit as a completely new manufacturer in our portfolio
You know what’s missing?
Another TWO manufacturers!
We welcome Twin Tails!
(Including the former Frisky Beast)
And with this one are also starting of with yet another 7 new toys.
You can go and see all of them in the new category Deep Down->Twin Tails including our usual assortments of comparison photos to get a good estimate of what actual size the meassurements mean.
Woolly Mammoth
Cortez (Small)
Cortez (Mini)
Aela the hyena
and finally: Alto the chameleon
For the time being they are all marked as „out of stock“ in the shop.
You have to come to either
- one of our two YiffyToys room parties
- or visit us in the new After Dark Dalers Den that Eurofurence is offering for the first time.
We do this, so that there are enough of these at EF for people to actually see and hold in their own hands instead of just seeing a number of photos online.
After Eurofurence you will be able to order them onling like any other toy.
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