Using less packaging material in 2024 and paying recycling for 2025

As every year, we are required to license the packaging material for 2025 and report on 2024.

The System

A boring task but this is how the „free“ yellow recycling bags in Germany are paid for and what makes the blue paper-bins so „cheap“. The businesses that buy or import packaging material pay for it. So the people who can make a change have an incentive to do so.
Being in Germany however, this means doing all of that twice. With the agency we pay for recycling and identical reports with the government agency.


Since we have so little material to recycle, we always pay the minimum fee and get way, way more then is actually needed. Especially since almost all our material is easy to recycle cardboard (that usually comes out of recycling already).
So we never run the risk of licensing too little cardboard boxes and plastic bags.
These reports are made in tonnes. Not Kilograms.


In the early years, we had very conservative estimates based on the packaging material we purchased.
Nowadays we have some statistics to calculate these numbers from the actual orders placed throughout the year.

2024 we used 25% LESS cardboard/paper and plastic bags then the year before.
For 2025 we have licenced more then the most busy year in our statistics. Just to be on the save side.

Credit card issues

First of all: Paypal and SEPA bank transfers in the EU work just fine.

Due to ongoing issues with cancelled credit card payments due to „The customer returned from Stripe and changed the cart details.“,
we have now switched from redirecting to a payment page hosted by Stripe to having the credit card payment embedded.

So far Stripe support can’t see anything wrong on their side and we don’t see anything out of the ordinary on our side. So let’s hope this randomly solves the elusive issue.

Lower DHL prices

Christmas is over and so is the DHL „peak-surcharge“.
The BREXIT surcharge ends too.
Just the CO2 surcharge has increased slightly from 0.18 to 0.19€/Kg .

We have just entered the new prices into the YiffyToys shop system.

Credit card issues

First: Paypal works fine.

Two different customer seem to have had issues with credit card payments.
We are currently checking out a new payment-module by our credit-card processor in our test-shop.
If it works, we can install it on the live shop later.

Cache ran full during the night

It seems that the page-cache of the shop overflowed it’s storage capacity during the night.
So the shop stopped serving pages and everyone got an error message.

We have cleared the cache and installed an hourly warning if this is about to happen again.


Shop update

We have just tested an update to our shop software in the test-system.
For updating the live shop it will be offline for a few minutes.
We don’t expect there to be any issues.

GPSR – upgraded packaging

In preparation of the upcoming GPSR regulation in December,
we have changed the our product packaging printing software.

changes made

For imported products the packaging will now also show the full address and email of the manufacturer (in addition to our own company address).
For EU products the barcode label will now also show the full address of the manufacturer,
in case the manufacturer doesn’t already include it in their packaging and for products we have in stock with existing packaging.

Next steps

There will be further modifications needed. Particularly to the online shop software.
We have researched what needs to be done and will start writing a custom extension after returning H-Con.

…first we need a vacation from Eurofurence. 😉

Huge PayPal issue fixed

We seem to have issues accepting #Paypal payments since the old API certificate expired on the 1st of August.
We did update the certificate file but the shop software just silently never saved the update.
Sadly we did not get any errors from the shop software and the ToS of all payment providers prohibit us from clicking the button ourself to test things.
(For fraud prevention.)

A customer just informed us and within an hour we found a workaround for this bug.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

DHL removed Energy-Surcharge for August

The 1.25% DHL „Energy-Surcharge“, that started in 2023 and set to the current value of 1.25% in November, has been set to zero at least for the next two month. We have adjusted our shipping fees to reflect that and continue to monitor the surcharge every month.

Note that independent of this, for the Month of November and December ,the „Peak Surcharge“ of +0,19€ will be in effect again. It was introduced at the same time.

Fixed a bug

Sorry for everyone who had the checkout page never finish loading.
We had this issue before but couldn’t find out what caused it.


It’s fixed and we have done serveral changes to make sure to find out very quickly,
if is or something similar ever happens again.

Long version

Due to now having a backup every time we do any change in the shop,
we think this happened every time we create a testshop to try out an update before applying it to the live shop.

Not only did we fix the result.
we added some tests to make sure we after every change we are informed if the issue was created
and we have an hourly check that send us an email whenever any critical log messages are created in the current day.