Sorry it took us a bit longer to make the proper photos of the red+black version of the Zetacreations Raptor.
They have just been finished and uploaded.
Playing around with product descriptions
We are playing around with the new product description editor and it’s new capabilities.
Trying to find a good way to link a stock product to it’s custom made counterpart and to link between different sizes of the same toy.
Testing new product descriptions
The new version of our shop software has a page builder for the product descriptions.
It has way more possibilities then the static HTML descriptions we use now.
As a first toy we are testing it’s abilities by having the „Kira – the dog pussy“ list all variants we have in stock dynamically.
The same can probably be done for multiple sizes of e.g. the Foxcoon. Or link between the standard in-stock variant and the customizable variant of a FurryStyle toy.
New front page
Since Eurofurence Online is around the corner,
we have taken the opportunity to do some long overdue improvements to our shop front page.
This is, so that you can reach your desired part of the shop with less clicks and can see what each of the sections „deep down“, „bondage“, „slippery“, „protecting“ and „artistic“ have to offer right away.
(So you don’t miss the Wolf Cum lubes, special kinds of comdome or that you can see all the dildos sorted by size categories fitting your level or comfort.)
DHL delivery options fixed
During checkout an empty, orange box was shown where the DHL delivery options should have been. This was caused by a Javascript error in a DHL module and we have just installed the fixed version.
You can now select parcel stations, post offices and prefered delivery times again.
Address lines
Many German customers get confused by having 3 address lines
instead of a street and a house number field. They feel that
something needs to be entered in line 2 and 3 and get…creative.
This causes a lot of manual work in getting these addresses with
dublicate zip codes and city names to be parsed by the automatic
DHL and GLS label creation.
So we had to remove line 2 and 3 from the address field.
This may inconvenience many foreign customers.
However since most of our customers are German,
it is a change we had to do.
GLS Shipping
For Germany we have experimentally added the option to have your order shipped via GLS in addition to DHL, Hermes and personal pickup.
For some items it’s less expensive then DHL and slightly more expensive then Hermes.
If this turns out to work well, we plan to enable European and international shipping with GLS as an option.
Planned network maintenance
Due to a plannet network maintenance we’ll be offline
Start: 3. March 2021 03:30:00 CET (2:30 UTC)
End: 3. March 2021 04:00:00 CET(3:00 UTC)
Zetacreations search and meassurements improved
We went through most of the Zetacreations toys and added a searchable „maximum diameter“ value, firmness, missing descriptions and lots of values we use internally to streamline the restock process.
We also added the missing species for the bear for the species selection in advanced search.
Lots of housekeeping improvements that just can’t be dont for the entire catalog at once.
improved tools and statistics
The very transatlantic shipping delays during this pandemic have forced us to often place a new order before the last one has arrived. It also means that more products are out of stock for a longer time until a shipment arrive.
So over the last few days we have improved our internal tools to better cope with both these situations.
We are currently experiencing a known issue between the DHL module and the Amazon integration. This means that we have to create the postage for all Amazon orders manually.
Statistics is everything.
It determines what we buy and thus how many new products and new product variations we can affort. It also means what products are popular enough to get an additional size or coloring.
Our sales statistics have already handled times when a product was not in stock for the sake of predicting the near future. However it only looked at a given strech of time. We have now improved it to look further into the past if a product was out of stock a lot.
This means we can spend our money more wisely and not order more stock then we need.
Overlaping orders
We have also added code to better track what orders manufacturers are currently working on, are currently in transit and how lead times are affected by the current pandemic.
Our tools now tell us not only how much of each product we have and we should have to cover the near future but also how many are already ordered and how long „the near future“ must actually be.
We can allow for customer toys more frequently. Even though we can’t make them arrive any faster, we can ask for customer variations to be ordered along more frequently and with less of a short time window.