DHL shipping to NL fixed

A while ago we automated our shipping fee calculation due to all of DHLs Corona-fees for different countries. It seems while doing so we have forgotten the Netherlands in the big table of country codes.
So for NL (but not the Netherland Antilles) only „pickup at converntion“ would show up and no „DHL shipping“.

This has been brought to our attention this morning and we have just been able to fix it.

We are also asking DHL for clarification on what Corona-fees for different countries are still in effect as there have been a large number of changes we have to incorportate for different countries and DHL’s updates are purely incremental.

No new DHL prices

DHL in Germany currently is in the news because DHL will increase prices for end customers starting on the 1st of January.

However, for business customers that already happend at the 1st of September this year.
So we will not increase our shipping prices with the new year.

DHL issues

We updated our shop software in the (misguided) hope that an email bugfix contained in the update would fix our contact form.
(It didn’t.)

Right after the update we got strange „host unrechable“ errors when trying to automatically purchase DHL postage. It does happen that their servers are out of order. Especially in the middle of the night or on weekende.
So we just waited and yes, the next day this error was gone.

But now we are getting errors downloading the WSDL file for the DHL SOAP service. The problem is… in a web browser and on the command line we can download that WSDL file just fine. We also did not change any PHP settings. Especially regarding network permissions.
All debug logging, poking around and testing stuff didn’t give us any clues whatsoever.

So for the time being are are required to copy&paste every single delivery address to the manual DHL business customer website and purchase each label separately. Then enter the tracking details in the shop and print everything. All automation that enables us to handle the daily workload is gone.

New DHL prices

We have updated our shipping rates to the new DHL prices for 2019.

Obviously they are higher (when has DHL ever lowered prices?).

Sorry. Nothing we can do about that.

DHL: Änderungen bei Wunschzeit am Oktober

Wir wurden gerade darüber informiert,

daß DHL den Dienst „Zustellung zur Wunschzeit“ ab dem 1. Oktober 2018

nur noch in Ballungsräumen anbieten will. (Diesen könnte ihr bei uns im

Bestellprozess auch wählen.) Als Ballungsgebiete zählt alles was heute

35 Millionen Einwohner oder mehr hat. Dort kann dann ein 2h Fenster

im Bereich von 10:00 bis 21:00 gewählt werden.

Wunschtag, Wunschort, Wunschfiliale und Wunschnachbar bleiben uneingeschränkt,

bundesweit verfügbar.

Neuer DHL Versand

Gute Neuigkeiten für all unsere Deutschen Kunden.
Seit gestern ist das neue „DHL Versenden“ Modul online.
Damit steht im Bestellprozess eine Packstations-Suche zur Verfügung.
Die vertrauliche Zustellung von „Spielzeugen“ ist damit noch einfacher geworden.
Außerdem kann man nun eine Wunschzeit, einen Abstellort, eine Wunschfiliale,… angeben.
Der Post-Boote klingelt also nicht umsonst und geht wieder, während man selber auf der Arbeit ist.