New Bank Account

We are currently switching bank accounts.
New orders paying by SEPA bank transfer will already retrieve the new account details for their payment.
The old account will still remain valid for a few weeks.
This should be plenty of time for the very few bank transfer -orders in the shop that have not payed yet. (*)


While being quite an ordeal for a privat bank account, such a switch is a bit more involved when it’s about a company account. Over the past few weeks we have set in motion most of the paperwork involved (including customs- and tax offices) and so far the transition seems to run smoothly.

The advantage for you: SEPA bank transfer payments arrive within a day instead of 2-3 days now. (With Commerzbank, they didn’t become visible in online banking until some time later. Thus we could not ship as quickly as would be otherwise possible.)

The advantage for us: In the end we’ll even pay much less fees. Up to now our Aval for a simplified customs process was quite expensive and every customer paying by SEPA bank transfer would cost us about 0,15€ in addition to a monthly fee. While not free (Company bank accounts that include cash handling and a Maestro card are not) this is now much cheaper and the SEPA payment fees are gone up to a very comfortable monthly limit.

Say no to Commerzbank / Comdirect.

Based on how they handle very long time customers (we’re talking decades here).
Not just one or two or a dozen or 3 dozen customers.
We’re talking thousands. Whole families, businesses, entire diplomatic embassies.
People in good and very good standing. People being granted the elevated „First“ status by this bank. Not only free accounts that never run up any overdraft or loan interest and thus don’t make their bank much money. Even business customers who pay considerable banking fees every month, heavy hidden fees in exchange rates and quite hefty fees for business services such as an Aval or business SEPA debit mandates.

We can not recommend anyone to choose this bank and to leave there while you still can. In case you are with them, here are some sources you should seriously consider:
NDR „Der Mark“
NDR „Panorama“
Der Westen (Funke Media Group)
Osttüringer Zeitung
DW Akademie
Hamburger Morgenpost
Comdirect User Forum (1) (2)
There is a reason they need to advertise a staggering 100eur for new customers there (any seemingly very often not paying that). Think about it!

This is separate from their terrible standing with being thrown out of the DAX index .
As as result 7300 employees where let loose. 4210 of them in corporate banking. In the medium sized business support this ment 50% of staff in southern Germany and 40% in northern Germany. (Handelsblatt late 2017)
This ment unreachable/bad and constantly changing business customer service representatives (1) including ours. We’re not going into details about our own experiences there due to internal details. TL:DR: All business service stopped after late 2018 and it seems all good customer service staff have left on their own for better banks even before the layoffs.

Der Westen (Funke Media Group)
Osttüringer Zeitung
DW Akademie
Hamburger Morgenpost
Comdirect User Forum (1) (2)
There is a reason they need to advertise a staggering 100eur for new customers there (any seemingly very often not paying that). Think about it!

This is separate from their terrible standing with being thrown out of the DAX index .
As as result 7300 employees where let loose. 4210 of them in corporate banking. In the medium sized business support this ment 50% of staff in southern Germany and 40% in northern Germany. (Handelsblatt late 2017)
This ment unreachable/bad and constantly changing business customer service representatives (1) including ours. We’re not going into details about our own experiences there due to internal details. TL:DR: All business service stopped after late 2018 and it seems all good customer service staff have left on their own for better banks even before the layoffs.

*) Given that orders with payment by SEPA bank transfer that still haven’t payed a week after get a gentle reminder with the bank details and after multiple weeks and reminders must get canceled anyway so as not to block toy-inventory that other people would like to buy.)