Halloween Special

For the first time we are running some custom made toys for the season.
Click the image below to see the toys in detail

Halloween Special

The toys are build to order by Bad Wolf and will thus take longer to be shipped then the inventory we keep ourself for immediate shipment.
However since the manufacturer is known to ship quickly and shipping doesn’t involve a ship crossing the ocean, we are confident that this will work out within the time stated in the product descriptions.
Both of this is so we don’t still have a stock of these limited toys when the season ends.
Being a small shop this prevented us from doing suck events in the past.

Reduced prices for remaining Zetacreations toys

Due to longer lead-times, some dildos by Zetacreations (English / German)

sold out faster then they could be restocked in the past. Some where practically sold out the day they arrived and would stay that way for serveral month. After a while this made it necessary to increase their prices by a few percent compared to other imported toys.

The world has moved and and the situation has improved. So was only fair to revert this change. We started with the toys that had the most stock left. Now we are progressing to all the remaining toys.

The following toys have just been reduced in price:

Reduced prices for Zetacreations toys

Due to longer lead-times, some dildos by Zetacreations (English / German)

sold out faster then they could be restocked in the past. Some where practically sold out the day they arrived and would stay that way for serveral month. After a while this made it necessary to increase their prices by a few percent compared to other imported toys.

The world has moved and and the situation has improved. So it is only fair to revert this change. The following toys have just been reduced in price:


Halloween Aktion endet heute, Lager füllt sich wieder

Ihr habt in der -20% Halloween Aktion von FurryStyle gut zugelangt.
Zur Erinnerung: Bis Sonntag 24:00 läuft die Aktion noch.

Diverse Modelle von FurryStyle waren schon Mitte der Woche ausverkauft.
Einige wenige, neue Rover mit Penisknochen sind gerade rein gekommen.
Mehrere Foxcoon kommen wohl noch vor Ende des Wochenendes nach.
Genauso wie Nachschub an vielen Modellen, die zwar nicht ausverkauft sind aber langsam knapp werden.

Halloween bei FurryStyle. 20% Rabatt

Halloween steht vor der Tür.
Von den europäischen Herstellern scheint leider nur FurryStyle dieses Jahr eine Rabattaktion zu machen.
Die aber hat es in sich:

Gab es letztes Jahr 20% auf alle Toys in Giftgrün und Blutrot,
so gibt es dieses Jahr 20% auf ALLE fertigen Furrytyle Toys. (Also keine Wunschmodelle)
Somit natürlich auch nur so lange der Vorrat reicht.

Der Rabatt gilt ab dem Montag vor Halloween 26.10.2015
und geht bis Allerheiligen (dem Tag danach), also bis 1.11.2015