Sidewinder restocked (and Giraffe Tongues updated)

We got a delivery of Sidewinder Creations toys (English / German).
All but one of the 56 toys are back in stock.

..we also updated the descriptions for the 3 sizes of „Giraffe Tongue“ we stock and made sure the different sizes now link to each other.

(Yes, postings in the category „Disturbing Dildo Deliveries“ are basically copy&pasted.
There is just nothing original to write about such a thing but many people are waiting
for toys of a specific manufacturer to come in, so it’s important we post these.)

Sidewinder restocked

We got a delivery of Sidewinder Creations toys (English / German).
All but one of the 56 toys are back in stock.

(Yes, postings in the category „Disturbing Dildo Deliveries“ are basically copy&pasted.
There is just nothing original to write about such a thing but many people are waiting
for toys of a specific manufacturer to come in, so it’s important we post these.)

Sidewinder restocked

We got a delivery of Sidewinder Creations toys (English / German).
All 56 toys are back in stock.

(Yes, postings in the category „Disturbing Dildo Deliveries“ are basically copy&pasted.
There is just nothing original to write about such a thing but many people are waiting
for toys of a specific manufacturer to come in, so it’s important we post these.)

Sidewinder restocked before Eurofurence

We got a delivery of Sidewinder Creations toys (English / German).
We would like to say that now all but one toy are back in stock

(Yes, postings in the category „Disturbing Dildo Deliveries“ are basically copy&pasted.
There is just nothing original to write about such a thing but many people are waiting
for toys of a specific manufacturer to come in, so it’s important we post these.)

Sidewinder restocked yet again

We got a delivery of Sidewinder Creations toys (English / German).
We would like to say that all toys are back in stock but sadly the Spikey isn’t.
It will of cause be part of our next order.

(Yes, postings in the category „Disturbing Dildo Deliveries“ are basically copy&pasted.
There is just nothing original to write about such a thing but many people are waiting
for toys of a specific manufacturer to come in, so it’s important we post these.)

Sidewinder restocked

We got a delivery of Sidewinder Creations toys (English / German).
All toys are back in stock.

(Yes, postings in the category „Disturbing Dildo Deliveries“ are basically copy&pasted.
There is just nothing original to write about such a thing but many people are waiting
for toys of a specific manufacturer to come in, so it’s important we post these.)