Confuzzled Conbook

Nach all den Jahren ist das mal was Neues….
Wir fliegen dieses Jahr mit leichtem Gepäck auf Confuzzled und verkaufen im Dealers Den Furoticon Karten.
(Eine YiffyToys Suite Party gibt es leider nicht wegen Problemen mit den strengen UK Gesetzen und der Lizenz-Pflicht für jede Form von Sex Shops. )
Das Confuzzled Dealers Den Management schreibt mir, daß sie Probleme mit dem Namen „YiffyToys“ haben.
Anscheinend ist deren Conbook PG-Rated und enthält eine Liste aller Händler im Dealers Den…

What about sex?Sex references are unlikely unless they are undetailed and infrequent. In addition, if a child is unlikely to understand a reference, we may allow it at PG. Comedy can also often lessen the impact of sex references and innuendo.Sex and sex references are treated the same irrespective of sexuality so there could be mild or undetailed references at PG.

Hier das Anschreiben:

Every year we have a list of dealers in our conbook. We usually put in the trading name but, due to the conbook needing to remain PG (because of being taken home and the possibility of prying eyes), we have hit a slight issue with your trading name – Yiffytoys.
The conbook editor would like to know whether we can list you in the book simply as … or if you have another, more PG, trading name that people know you by, as we will be unable to use Yiffytoys? Please could you let me know as soon as possible, as we’re getting fairly close to the printing deadline at the moment?
Apologies for any inconvenience caused.

Kind regards,

Head of Dealers‘ Den

ConFuzzled (UK) Ltd.