We already announce 2 of them on our Twitter account but didn’t post here yet. Simply because we had to re-shoot all the product photos of the 3rd toy and didn’t want to publish an incomplete posting.
So… we added new toys to our shop. They are in stock already. and the front page shows them as „new products“ for a few weeks.
Photos are made. Including side-by-side size comparisons with the usual toys we keep around for just that reason and whatever toys we had at hand.
Descriptions are… well… it’s hard to come up with something original and translations of cheesy texts from the manufacturer with lots of play-of-words are hard. But you are here for the toys and not to read a novel, are you?
Mocha the Dragon (Mini

This is a smaller version of the „Mocha the Dragon (Small)“. You liked the small one quite a lot, so we added an additional size to choose from. As with all toys we have in multiple sizes, we don’t give them the same colours. Both, so you have a choice and so we can easily tell them apart when things get busy. (You don’t want to accidentally get the wrong size delivered, do you?)
Mantis the Drone (Small)

Now this one has just incredible colours. The photos hardly do it’s base justice.
Dante the Anubite (Medium)

Okay, it’s a canine. We have lots of these already in all kinds of sizes. This one is very well modelled and made. The surface texture is very nice and it has enough features to make it interesting.
With so many toys in „Small“ and „Mini“ size, we added this one „Medium“ sized.
We think there are a lot of toys for size queens out there and not enough enjoyable sizes. For people who don’t make it a competition or sport (sometimes an extreme sport). That’s why we rather concentrate on medium and slightly smaller toys. But of cause we want to give people a choice, so this one is one step larger.
Feedback (please)
Since we do stock all the toys in the shop for immediate shipment, it’s obviously impossible to have every size and every variation. While we do offer to order along your custom variations with most of our bulk orders, choices have to be made.
The issue with choices is: We don’t get much feedback what toys, sizes, colours, textures (polished, silky, highly detailed?), features (suction cup? XRector System?) you would like to see in our shop. What things are actually not important to you (any colour will do? Never used the suction cup?). So we have to do a lot of educated guessing based on what people buy, what custom toys get ordered and what feedback we get in person when we are in the Dealers Den of conventions.
So if you have any suggestions, approvals, feedback on toys you already have, please, please contact us (best by email because then we have an individual subject line instead of just „message from the conact form“)