Amazon artificial non-intelligence

We had some trouble with 11 products on Amazon.
We submit products with a very, very detailed „browse node“.
In our case usually
„Health & Personal Care -> Sex & Sensuality -> Sex Toys -> Dildos -> Anal Dildos“
Then Amazon uses that to choose a „product type“.

How it started

The problem was, that for these 11 prducts Amazon has chosen completely inappropriate product types.
Product type: Toy Vehicles
Product type: Animal Cages
Product type: Pet Toys
Product type: Other Shirts
Product type: Plant seeds
Product type: Toy Figures and Playsets

These had the effect that we where asked to enter mandatory information like a „T-shirt size“ for these dildos or they would not be visible.

We contacted the seller support about this.

How it’s going

At first they didn’t understand the issue.

Then they wanted us to tell them what product type to enter. However there is no public list of all product types and Amazon doesn’t display the product type for any correct toys. So we can’t possibly tell them.

Then they claimed „We have determined that the current categorization on the ASIN produces a better customer experience than the requested categorization. As a result, we will not be able to complete your request.

And finally they claimed „Please note that we were unable to determine the correct categorization on this ASIN as the product data and images are inconsistent.„.
Obviously our very-well-done product photos show dildod and not T-shirts, animal cages or plant seeds.

How it ended

Since there was no way to get these products fixed, we where forced to simply remove them from Amazon’s catalog altogether. We will wait until no trace of them is left in Amazon’s system and try to recreate a single one at a later time.