Returned from furmeet. Lots of deliveries.

Finally furmeets again

As can be seen ihn our event-calendar (for personal pickup of orders),
we have just returned from a 4 day furmeet and will resume normal operations tomorrow.


There are a total of 3 large deliveries waiting for us in customs and we’ll try to pick them all up tomorrow.
Exotic Erotics (waiting for the pdf invoice but that will likely arrive in time),
Zetacreations and
Twin Tails.

Material shortage

Some European manufacturers are suffering from material shortages and are struggling to finish deliveries or have closed down new orders for the time being. The US manufacturers we import don’t seem to be affected yet.

YiffyToys financial situation

We also managed to pay our import fees for an Exotic Erotics delivery that was accidentally delivered to us without and customs a few weeks ago. (Have to keep our books clean after all.)

Financially the shop is struggling quite a lot. Not only with so many deliveries to be paid for and no physical Eurofurence Dealers Den again this year but also a lack of new toy models during the entire pandemic. But hopefully arriving toys also mean arriving orders and the current red figures should shrink a bit before the monthly expenses hit us.
There are plenty of reserves to survive this low for a long time but it’s nothing we like to see happening in the first place.

Stuck at the DHL airport?

Looks like we have 2 delivery from FoxyRabbit and Zetacreations,
both not having left the local DHL freight airport in serveral days.
Hopefully both will arrive in customs (and the customs notification get here) before WE leave for the first multi-day, in-person furmeet of the year.

Speaking of furmeets, we are currently preparing our booth for the After-Dark section of the Eurofurence Online II dealers den.
Being made slightly complicated by the VR dealers den not allowing any kind of adult content to be visible in the graphics.

Tale of the dual stripe

After a mandatory security update, an older and already disabled Stripe payment module seems to have been enabled again for a few days.
This ment that Strips existed twice in the list and that the payment option SOFORT was enabled.
A few customers made use of that but their bank payments where declined or cancelled and we had to cancel the order. That’s actually the reason why SOFORT is disabled. It has no advantage over a regular bank transfer because underneeth it is a regular SEPA transfer. We still have to wait for the money to actually arrive (due to the way Stripe handles them) but we also have to pay fees to strips that are higher then the fees of our bank when you transfer the money directly to us instead of transfering them to Stripe and they transfering them to us.

Wolf Cum samples

Entries in this blog have become very repetitive with lots of deliveries arriving but not much else happening during this pandemic. Sorry.
So a quick note that would otherwise not be worth writing about:

We got some tiny samples of Wolf Cum Lube and Wolf Lube that we are randomly distributing into shipped orders. (Wolf Cum Lube for ejeculating toys unless a full bottle was part of the order anyway).

(Image not to scale 😉 )

shop outage last night

The shop was offline for the night because last evening Debian updated the PHP MySQL extension for PHP 8 and just uninstalled MySQL for PHP7.x in the process.

Fixed a very minor SSL issue

We just fixed a minor SSL issue that some may or may not have noticed.
While the certificate of our server was always up to date,
the web server sent along some additional, outdated intermediate certificates of our CA that any web browser would just ignore.
This likely has never caused any issues with web browsers but one of our payment solutions (that also uses HTTPS) did.
Nothing at all to worry about.

Shop outdage fixed

We had a short outage that search and product category listing where empty.

Looks like after an update Elasticsearch crashed (again). :/

We’ll keep an eye on it.

old statistics

Looks the statistics we use to determine what to oders didn’t update for a few days.
The password expired and the script could not access the store API to fetch new data.
Luckily we didn’t place any large orders while this happened.

DHL update

We did a major update of the DHL shipping module in our shop software.
You can now select a DHL parcel station on a nice map
and we are prepared for the next major version of the shop software in a few month.
(We are waiting for a compatible version of a special, German plugin needed to display base prices per 1L/1Kg for bottles of lubricants. A feature required by law.)

Now we will have to wait for the first customer to create orders with the new module, to verify that (bulk) printing and our own extensions are still working as designed. We know that it still does work with orders that already exist.