The -domain is now hosted on our web-servers (featuring a temporary page) and the iamges, shop-layout, CAD files,.. of Furrystyle will be transfered to us shortly.
The penultimate shipment of dildos from them is already in customs and will be picked up on Friday.
So our stock will be plenty to last for the transition.
First, early tests of our new production equipment show very good results.
Neu: Tenga Flip Air
YiffyToys(tm) takes over for Furrystyle
In the early days there was only Zetacreations (who’s toys we now sell).
As shipping was expensive and customs sometimes difficult, people regularly organised groups-orders.
One private individual who was lucky enough to own a credit card would take the risk and do the order for the whole group.
Years later a new company showed up, called Furrystyle and with their appearance we decided that a European distributor was needed.
With stock of their own, cheap, local shipping and acceptance of the local payment methods.
This was how YiffyToys(tm) was born.
Now, many years later the former owners of Furrystyle decided to concentrate on the non-furry population and sell everything that makes up Furrystyle.
We stepped in and christmas came early this year.
In a few days the website, domain name, molds, and existing inventory will belong to YiffyToys.
What will happen now?
We do have enough stock of their toys and a large, last order is still produced in the US to ensure that we can continue to sell and ship their toys during the transition.
We are conducting tests, talks and preparations to ensure that these toys will be produced again in the same quality you have come to expect.
This will take time.
This weekend the domains and web-site will be transfered to us.
For reasons of privacy we will (of cause) not get the customer database but a newsletter will inform the existing customers about the change.
A large batch of toys is still being produced, so that our inventory is sufficient to last for the duration of this transition.
We stopped selling Furrystyle toys from our US shop and are shipping them from our own stock in Europe instead. (We do ship to the US+Canada from here and we do show prices in USD if desired.)
Shipping of the molds is already being prepared.
We have already set up the first casting and mold-making equipment.
We have also already conducted successful test-casts in production quality and will continue these tests. After we are content that we can repeatedly create the desired quality, colors and softness we will scale up the equipment to production scale.
Follow this blog via your RSS reader or follow us on our Google+ page to keep yourself updated on our progress.
Tenga Eggs
Exotic Erotics
Die nächste Lieferung von Exotic Erotics macht sich wohl Montag auf
den Weg zu uns.
Damit erwarten wir sie am 16.12. hier. Das ist gleichzeitig der Tag,
an dem unsere Weihnachts-Pause beginnt. Was bis dahin bezahlt ist
wird am 16ten noch verschickt aber dann bis in die ersten Januar-Tage
nichts mehr.
Wunsch-Varianten von Toys dieses Herstellers können für die nächste
Lieferung angefragt werden, sobald wie am Monat die Tracking-Nummer
dieser Lieferung bekommen haben.
Our next shipment from Exotic Erotics should be underway by monday.
So we expect it here on the 16th of december. Just the day when we
start our holidays.
We’ll ship whatever is waiting but then not ship until the first days
of january.
Custom colors from Furrystyle anyone?
On Saturday We’ll make my next order with Furrystyle.
If anyone is interested in custom colors, firmness,….
please contact us now to have it included in this order.
Elypse Art Magic in stock
A limited number of „Magic“ inflatable canines are in stock again!
Eine geringe Anzahl von „Magic“ Dildos mit aufblasbarem Knoten ist im Lager eingetroffen!
Avatar on FurAffinity
I’m using the icons that I had commissioned for the shop as my private avatar icons for ages now.
However some braindead moderator on FurAffinity seems to disagree with it.
For the second time in a row he claimt that it is „in violation on FA’s „By you / For you“ policy“.
Without asking me first…
Without requesting any kind of proof that I may indeed have had that icon made.
Without looking up the well known fact that I run this site and thus the icons used here are mine to use as I wish.
…not that moderation and management on FA has anything resembling a reputation of being professional, unbiased or fair to begin with.
Last time I was in contact with them it was because they changed their advertisement-rules and I could no longer have banner there.
Fair enough. …if it where the same rule for everyone and my competitors banners where removed due to the same rules.
Added Google+, Twitter and Facebook
After doing this for the blog,
we just added „like“-links for Google+, Twitter and Facebook to the actual shop.
But, for your privacy nothing is transmitted to these services unless you actually click on their links.
Now you may easily share products you find interesting with your peers.
Google+ pages
Added a Google+ -page +YiffyToys as an experiment.
We’ll post the same things we post here on the blog on the Google+ -page but it’s easier for some to follow us and there may be smaller, twitter-like postings about less important things in there too.