Improving search

We checked the statistics for the most often used search terms in the YiffyToys shop.
After removing an immense amount of failed attempts to hack the shop software via SQL-injection or Javascript-insertion,
we added a large number of synonyms.

Now you will find the results are where looking for when typing a number of common misspellings, synonyms, french or spanish words.

Of cause apart from the full-text search, there is always the advanced search,
where you can select species and features.
Sadly the shop-software doesn’t allow us to have search-ranges for the sizes.
For that we have created the „tiny“, „small“, „regular“, „large“ and „extra large“ categories.

Alto size fixed and price adjustments

A customer notifed us that the given size of the Twin Tails „Alto“ was that if the „mini“ and not of the „Small“ variant.
We have taken new meassurements and fixed this.

Twin Tails prices

While checking this, we noticed that Twin Tails had raised some and lowered other prices.
We have chosen a very optimistic exchange rate as we adjusted our prices to match.

Improved descriptions

We also improved some old-style descriptions.
For example, the Mocha and the Atlas now links the two size variants
(Also for the different versions of the Sidewinder „Arashiin“).
Also it seems that the Small Hidora was missing an english translation,
Atlas medium was showing a default photo of an Atlas small in English (it was correct in German).
And while at it, we consolidated the wording for „ejaculating“ in German and English product names.

Background – Austrian agent for recycling of packaging

Because we have to increase the shipping fees to Austria in order to offset some of the cost of this, we want to give some more background information regarding the Austrian recycling of packaging.


We are a tiny German business.
We pay for the recycling of all cardboard and plastic packaging we ship.
That is not overly expensive and we do so for a long time now.

TL:DR – Austria removed all „small business“ thresholds and requires non-Austrian EU-businesses to name a representative in addition to licensing the packaging for recycling.

Long version

With the Austrian
„Verordnung des Bundesministers für Land- und Forstwirtschaft, Umwelt und Wasserwirtschaft über die Vermeidung und Verwertung von Verpackungsabfällen und bestimmten Warenresten (Verpackungsverordnung 2014)“
(Austria love long names just like Germany does.)
starting 1. Jänner 2023 (1st of January)
we are forced to have an agent in Austria (as defined in § 16b).
That agent is to act as our representative in matters of recyling of packaging.

This is required because of:
„§ 16b.(1) Versandhändler gemäß § 13g Abs. 1 Z 5 AWG 2002 haben für ab dem 1. Jänner 2023 in Österreich in Verkehr gesetzte Verpackungen einen Bevollmächtigten für ausländische Versandhändler zu bestellen.“

That definition reads:
„Versandhändler, die keinen Sitz und keine Niederlassung im örtlichen Geltungsbereich dieses Bundesgesetzes haben und die Verpackungen oder Waren oder Güter in Verpackungen in Österreich an einen privaten Letztverbraucher im Rahmen des Fernabsatzes im Sinne des § 5a KSchG übergeben.“

The naming of that representative even has to be notarised because of
„§ 16b.(1) Abs.2 Pt 4
4. Die Bestellung erfolgt durch eine beglaubigte Vollmacht in deutscher oder englischer Sprache“

Why this law is badly written

There are no provisions for small busineses.
There are no provisions for small amounts of packaging.
There are no distictions between EU and 3rd country businesses.
Yes, that part of the law makes no sense whatsoever.
We are just glad that Austria laws are written in a language we can actually read.
With 27 EU countries, this could be so much worse.

New delivery by Exotic Erotics on it’s way

You know the dril…
A new delivery of Dildos by Exotic Erotics (English / German) is on it’s way.

We expect it to arrive in 10 business days (including customs).
Then we just have to count, label and sort it for the new stock to be available in our shop (English Shop / German Shop).
When that happend, we’ll report here again.
If you want to track this delivery, you can do so here, if you are eagerly awaiting some toy to be in stock again.

Custom Dildos:
For a few days now, it will be possible to order custom variation again. Just contact us via email, stating all the details like colour and firmnes. Then we’ll provide you with a custom product that can be ordered exactly 1 time via the regular ordering process. The only  difference is that it obviously takes longer to ship and we require it to be fully payed right away. Also for custom made products there is no 14 day return period.

(Yes, postings in the category „Disturbing Dildo Deliveries“ are basically copy&pasted.
There is just nothing original to write about such a thing but many people are waiting
for toys of a specific manufacturer to come in, so it’s important we post these.)

DHL Probleme

Eine ganze Ladung an Paketen, die am 5.1.2017 an DHL übergeben wurden,
erschien nicht im Tracking.
Heute 12:23 wurden diese anscheinend alle im Paketzentrum Lahr gefunden und eingescannt.
Sie dürften sich jetzt auf den regulären Weg machen.

New DHL prices for February

With DHL lowering it’s „energy-surcharge“ from 3,75% to 2,50%, we can lower the prices for shipping within Germany starting today for at least February and March. The surcharge for April will be announced by DHL at the end of February.


As announced, we have to increase shipping prices to Austria (the one without kangaroos) to offset the cost of their new recycling laws not having a threshold-clause for small businesses and requiring us to have an expensive representative in Austria instead of just licensing our packaging material for recycling. Sorry.


Given how often we have posted about DHL in the past, we added a new hashtag „DHL“ to the blog and all past entries mentioning them.

Layout improvements

We have made a number of improvements to the layout of the home page.

  • The Brexit text is now more concise and uses up less space.
  • The footer is not horizontal and does not cause excessive scrolling
  • advanced search (often not found) is now prominently in the center
  • We added a widget to display products that are currently reduced in price (if any)