ALL toys are stock now. There is also a new toy (again) but we need to make photos and take meassurements first.
Since we have not received new toys from Foxy Rabbit, we took this opportunity to bring all product descriptions up to the current standard. Sadly we also had to update the prices to reflect the Euro having lost a lot of value since the last order and the inflation requiring Foxy Rabbit to raise it’s prices slightly.
(Yes, postings in the category „Disturbing Dildo Deliveries“ are basically copy&pasted. There is just nothing original to write about such a thing but many people are waiting for toys of a specific manufacturer to come in, so it’s important we post these.)
We got a delivery of Sidewinder Creations toys (English / German). We would like to say that now all toys are back in stock
(Yes, postings in the category „Disturbing Dildo Deliveries“ are basically copy&pasted. There is just nothing original to write about such a thing but many people are waiting for toys of a specific manufacturer to come in, so it’s important we post these.)
While the last delivery is waiting in customs, a new delivery of Dildos by Zetacreations (English / German) is on it’s way. When it arrives, we expect all Zeta toys to be back in stock.
Impatient? You can track the shipment if you are eagerly awaiting some toy to get back in stock.
ETA Usually, we would expect it to arrive in about 10 business days (including customs). Then we just have to count, label and sort it for the new stock to be available in our shop (English Shop / German Shop). When that happend, we’ll report here again, so you can place your orders on items that are curretly still out of stock.
While this was specifically ordered to arrive before Eurofurence 26, sadly we have no expectation for it to do so due to being shipped way too late.
Custom dildos As always with this manufacturer, we do not offer custom orders to be included in the next shipment because if the long lead-time.
(Yes, postings in the category „Disturbing Dildo Deliveries“ are basically copy&pasted. There is just nothing original to write about such a thing but many people are waiting for toys of a specific manufacturer to come in, so it’s important we post these.)
Starting this month, Paypal charges significantly higher fees. They have become significantly more expensive then processing credit cards (and of cause way more then SEPA payments).
We do struggle in this combination of inflation, shortages and exchange rates in freefall, just like everyone else. So we where forced (and luckily PSD II allows us to) charge a 1% fee for Paypal payments. This makes up for a fraction of what they charge to process each payment and retains balance with the already expensive credit card payments.
The fee is made clear in the very name when choosing the payment method and is clearly shown as a separate item in the overview.
FYI: The cheapest online payment method will always be the SEPA bank transfer as it’s only a few cent per transaction in banking fees but no payment processor takes a cut.
The delayed second part of the delivery by Bad Wolf (English / German) has arrived. 4 of 45 toys/lubes are still out of stock but we got Wolf Cum Lube and the Hack Horse Stallion- sleves (species adaper 😉 ) again.
(Yes, postings in the category „Disturbing Dildo Deliveries“ are basically copy&pasted. There is just nothing original to write about such a thing but many people are waiting for toys of a specific manufacturer to come in, so it’s important we post these.)
It’s just like EF25 in 2019 (the older ones among you may still remember). The After Dark Dealers Den is to be even bigger again and our YiffyToys Room Parties had grown so much, that we basically spent the entire convention just unloading and loading the truck or carrying huge carts of stuff between Room Party and After Dark Dealers Den. So we decided at EF24 to skip the room party for EF25 and we keep that decision for EF26 too.
After Dark Dealers Den
You can find us in the new, bigger and better After Dark Dealers Den. Again we will have ample tables and a lot of shelf-space. However that shelf-space will only be 2/3 of what we had at the last Eurofurence. So make sure you pre-order in the webshop before Friday! We will be on the balcony in the top left corner.
Important: Our table in the AD Dealers Den opens only Thursday 12:00-18:00 Friday 14:00-18:00 and Saturday 15:00-17:00 (not 18:00). (Due to aiding in the Big Saturday Stage Show, we have to close early on Saturday. For the final rehersal we may open slightly late on Friday.)
Like every year, we will bring selected toys from all manufacturers. We can not bring everything, so please go to our online shop now and please order now! Choose the shipping method „pickup at convention“. This has 4 advantages:
1. Pick up at the start of the con. We are confident to be able to offer some form ofpick up eon wednesday and thursday. Maybe even on Tuesday. So you can pick up your new toys and already put them to use during the convention. 2. It will be there at all. You may want a toy that we didn’t even pack. We have to make a selection on what to bring to the convention. It is impossible to bring all toys we sell into the Dealers Den. 3. You won’t miss your change. Even if we packed it, someone else of the 2000+ convention visitors may have purchased it before you. 4. The long waiting queue. Because the AD Dealers Den is open only on the last 1.5 convention days, it will be crowded. We will not be able to dedicate much time to each customer. There will be a long queue and we fully expect security at the door to tell people to disperse and come back later instead of queuing outside the dealers den.
You can have a look at our Dealers den price list with the selection of toys we bring. So you already know what you want to look at, when you reach the front of the queue. It’s lists the toys we actually have at EF sorted by size, species and manufacturer.
New toys and Previews
Yes, there will be new toys at Eurofurence. We will update this page with more information. So stay tuned!
By FoxyRabbit we have the new Mango toy! A penetratable female.
2. Bad Wolf – Special
Like the Exotic Erotics special at EF25, we will have a Bad Wolf Special at EF26. A second box ot assorted toys to pillage on your own in addition to the well curated shelfes of catalogued products behind the table.
3. Avali
By FurryStyle we jave the new Avali toy! Mini and Tiny sizes are up for sale and a prototype of the regular size is on display.
Like every year we will have boxes of toys with reduced prices due to slight color mishaps, tiny air bubbles or other minor defects. We will also have very few Flopy by Bad Wolf mixed in this year.
We got a delivery of Sidewinder Creations toys (English / German). We would like to say that all toys are back in stock but sadly the Spikey isn’t. It will of cause be part of our next order.
(Yes, postings in the category „Disturbing Dildo Deliveries“ are basically copy&pasted. There is just nothing original to write about such a thing but many people are waiting for toys of a specific manufacturer to come in, so it’s important we post these.)
Obviously we can’t bring ALL THE TOYS to the Eurofurence dealers den. So we already have a statistic that tells us what boxes of toys sell best, to make a selection based on how many boxes we can fit into our booth.
What we are currently doing is another statistic: What pairs of toys should swap boxes. So that we don’t leave any well-selling toy behind just because a box of great products also contains one that is just collecting dust.
A new delivery of Dildos by Exotic Erotics (English / German) is on it’s way. It is timed in such a way as to arrive before Eurofurence.
We expect it to arrive in 10 business days (including customs). The USPS delays seem to be over. Then we just have to count, label and sort it for the new stock to be available in our shop (English Shop / German Shop). When that happend, we’ll report here again. If you want to track this delivery, you can do so here and here, if you are eagerly awaiting some toy to be in stock again.
DHL fuckup
HOWEVER, the delivery that should be waiting in customs at the moment has been returned to the US by DHL. Neither business support nor customer support know why. Sorry for everyone with custom toys included in this one. There is nothing we or Exotic Erotics can do about it except send in photos of all the labels and writing on it after it was returned to the US (hopefully with not too much damage).
Custom Dildos: For a few days now, it will be possible to order custom variation again. Just contact us via email, stating all the details like colour and firmnes. Then we’ll provide you with a custom product that can be ordered exactly 1 time via the regular ordering process. The only difference is that it obviously takes longer to ship and we require it to be fully payed right away. Also for custom made products there is no 14 day return period.
(Yes, postings in the category „Disturbing Dildo Deliveries“ are basically copy&pasted. There is just nothing original to write about such a thing but many people are waiting for toys of a specific manufacturer to come in, so it’s important we post these.)
Another delivery by Foxy Rabbit is on is way You can track it here.
(Yes, postings in the category „Disturbing Dildo Deliveries“ are basically copy&pasted. There is just nothing original to write about such a thing but many people are waiting for toys of a specific manufacturer to come in, so it’s important we post these.)