New delivery by FlurbMe on it’s way

A new delivery by Flurb Me is on it’s way. You can track it here.

Dieses Bild hat ein leeres Alt-Attribut. Der Dateiname ist flurbme_Logo400x380px_transparent.png


The VixenMaker is a buttplug that a humpable vixen of medium ‚Fantastically Fuckable‘ size and the default soft firmness.

Dieses Bild hat ein leeres Alt-Attribut. Der Dateiname ist Vixenmaker_2_transparent-577x1024.png


The MareMaker is the same for a mare.

Dieses Bild hat ein leeres Alt-Attribut. Der Dateiname ist Maremaker_1_transparent-577x1024.png


And the PonyMaker the same for a stallion.

Dieses Bild hat ein leeres Alt-Attribut. Der Dateiname ist Ponymaker_1_transparent-577x1024.png

Custom toys:
For just a few days after this delivery arrived and before we place our next order right away, it will be possible to order custom variation again. Just contact us via email, stating all the details like colour and firmnes. Then we’ll provide you with a custom product that can be ordered exactly 1 time via the regular ordering process. The only  difference is that it obviously takes longer to ship and we require it to be fully payed right away. Also for custom made products there is no 14 day return period.

(Yes, postings in the category „Disturbing Dildo Deliveries“ are basically copy&pasted.
There is just nothing original to write about such a thing but many people are waiting
for toys of a specific manufacturer to come in, so it’s important we post these.)

New box sizes

We just for en entire truckload of new shipping boxes delivered.

They are still 30% more expensive baut we couldn’t delay it much longer or risk running out of boxes too ship in.

new DHL rates

For international orders DHL now offers better prices for a new category of small parcels. So we did order boxes matching their limits.

While the smaller boxes are (counter Intuitively) more expensive, the postage will be cheaper for a few, select items.
The prices don’t work out for domestic shipping. Only for foreign destinations.

However since the shop calculated shipping cost by weight with no regard for dimensions, it will be a while until we find a good heuristic to offer these new shipping prices for very small items.


Sadly this new DHL offers doesn’t work for national shipping because international the limit is 10cm of thickness but national it’s only 5cm.

KnotMe restocked

Good news everyone.
The delivery by KnotMe that had to be delayed due to the holidays has just arrived.
All KnotMe toys are the shop are back in stock.

(Yes, postings in the category „Disturbing Dildo Deliveries“ are basically copy&pasted.
There is just nothing original to write about such a thing but many people are waiting
for toys of a specific manufacturer to come in, so it’s important we post these.)

New KnotMe delivery on it’s way

A new delivery of KnotMe toys is on it’s way.
It should arrive shortly.

Currently 4 out of 12 toys are out of stock and they will all be in stock again when this one arrives.

(Yes, postings in the category „Disturbing Dildo Deliveries“ are basically copy&pasted.
There is just nothing original to write about such a thing but many people are waiting
for toys of a specific manufacturer to come in, so it’s important we post these.)

A delivery by Exotic Erotics just arrived

Stock status

Except for 3 of 124 Exotic Erotics models, all are currently still in stock.
(Last time it was 6)
The remaining ones have already been ordered while this delivery was in transit and are being produced for us.

Custom toys

We do offer custom toys to be included in the next order.
Please contact us early and we’ll create a custom product for you to order as soon as the next shipment leaves the factory and we place our own restock order.

(Yes, postings in the category „Disturbing Dildo Deliveries“ are basically copy&pasted.
There is just nothing original to write about such a thing but many people are waiting
for toys of a specific manufacturer to come in, so it’s important we post these.)

New Manufacturer: Neotori

We have added another new manufacturer to our lineup.
Neotory Toys. The quality and packaging have convinced us to start out with a canine toy, an equine, a muzzle and an interesting shaped fantasy toy right away.

Note that Neotori has a rather soft 0 Shore(A) as their default and we did go with that for „Mundir the Wolf“ and „Andaro the Adventurer“ (the shown equine).
„Theotolax the Freelancer“ instead is in the more usual 8 Shore(A) that most manufacturer specify as a „medium firmness“.
„Lina the Motivator“ as a muzzle is of cause soft anway.

All toys come in a cloth bag with detailed care instructions and a certificate of who poured the toy and when.

Bad Wolf restocked

The delayed second part of the delivery by Bad Wolf (English / German) has arrived.
5 of 45 toys/lubes are still out of stock but we got Wolf Cum Lube and the Hack Horse Stallion- sleves (species adaper 😉 ) again.

(Yes, postings in the category „Disturbing Dildo Deliveries“ are basically copy&pasted.
There is just nothing original to write about such a thing but many people are waiting
for toys of a specific manufacturer to come in, so it’s important we post these.)

New delivery by Exotic Erotics on it’s way

A new delivery of Dildos by Exotic Erotics (English / German) is on it’s way.
(While the last delivery is still in customs.)

We expect it to arrive in 10 business days (including customs). The USPS delays seem to be over. Then we just have to count, label and sort it for the new stock to be available in our shop (English Shop / German Shop). When that happend, we’ll report here again.
If you want to track this delivery, you can do so here, if you are eagerly awaiting some toy to be in stock again.

Custom Dildos:
For a few days now, it will be possible to order custom variation again. Just contact us via email, stating all the details like colour and firmnes. Then we’ll provide you with a custom product that can be ordered exactly 1 time via the regular ordering process. The only  difference is that it obviously takes longer to ship and we require it to be fully payed right away. Also for custom made products there is no 14 day return period.

(Yes, postings in the category „Disturbing Dildo Deliveries“ are basically copy&pasted.
There is just nothing original to write about such a thing but many people are waiting
for toys of a specific manufacturer to come in, so it’s important we post these.)

Sidewinder restocked

We got a delivery of Sidewinder Creations toys (English / German).
All toys are back in stock.

(Yes, postings in the category „Disturbing Dildo Deliveries“ are basically copy&pasted.
There is just nothing original to write about such a thing but many people are waiting
for toys of a specific manufacturer to come in, so it’s important we post these.)

Higher Paypal fees

Paypal is increasing it’s fees from 2.5% to 3.0%.

Due to PSD II regulations, we are not allowed to charge a fee associated with any one payment mechanism. So normally this would force up to increase all prices, even when paying with a credit card (1.4%), by bank transfer (0.10€/100 transactions) or in cash at events (free).
Since we already had to increase so many prices due to the EUR/USD exchange rate falling, we opted to instead only remove the Paypal express checkout button from the shopping cart for the time being. A permanent solution can hopefully wait until the current crisis is over.


We checked again and while the LG Munic ruled that we can’t do that for Paypal. later the higher OLG Munic ruled (10.10.2019 Az. 29 U 4666/18) that we are allowed to charge fee for using Paypal as long as the fee is not higher then the fee Paypal charged to us.
There is also a 2001 ruling of the highest court (BGH) with the same verdict.
So starting 1st of August 2020 we may do that.